

When one tugs at a single string in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world

This proverb by John Muir beautifully exhibits how the various intricacies of nature are interrelated.

Since times immemorial man has been drawing from Mother Nature to satisfy all his needs, without having to repay her kindness. This incessant activity has left its impact on nature.

Krishna Valley Agrotech realizes the importance of conservation and constant redevelopment of alternative resources thus preserving and enriching nature.

Welcome to the Biotech division of the Krishna Valley Agrotech. A place where research turns knowledge into reality. This division has been instrumental in developing not only the chief ingredients for our path-breaking agro products but also for developing individual products that are domestic and global best sellers.

KVAT is a pioneer in the development of the second generation of biological pesticides and has become one of the world's leading manufacturers and distributors of biopesticides.

We specialize in:

  • Biological product development, from screening to formulation to field development
  • Manufacturing: fermentation and formulation
  • Organically certified products
  • Global sales channels. We export to more than 10 countries.